
Time to play all out and
leave nothing in the tank.

This is an exclusive retreat for those who are ready to immerse themselves in a transformative experience and go after their dream lives.

Run in a relaxed and welcoming setting, away from daily distractions and routines, this 4 days program will let you explore, uncover, disrupt, change and challenge yourself and your inner athlete.

Who is this retreat for?

For everyone who wants a change and is ready for that shift.
For everyone who wants the best out of life and is ready to go after it.
For everyone who wants to be more and is ready to be more.


Here are just some of the things you'll learn to master during this retreat

How to connect to your inner athlete, uncover the incredible skills you’ve already acquired and apply them to your now

The secret is in the past

How to train your mindset like an athlete so you can deal with setbacks and continue to enjoy successes

Growth – Grind – Grit

How to understand, tackle and embrace those parts of your life that need changing and a shake up

Your ultimate upsetters

How to find a strong reason to create momentum, keep you going and make it all worthwhile

You’re worthy, your why

How to increase your energy, exercise smartly, recover well and use the outdoors as your training ground

The biological gym

The program

There is so much in store for you. Some parts will be theory and others exercises you can put your learnings into practice. While the four days are well structured and based around the 10-Steps process of Rediscover Your Athlete Within, there will be lots of room for creativity, freedom to explore and play to your individuality. The key is to get involved and give it a go, commit to your inner athlete.

Below is an outline of what we will cover during the 4 days.

The Deep Dive

Cut through the layers and get to know your inner athlete.


Learn about the inner core and the outer shell of the athlete within mindset.

The Prep

Identify the steps you need to make to disrupt habits and create change.

Goal Setting

It’s time to turn dreams into reality, ensuring your goals are specific, meaningful and achievable.

Performance and Recovery

Discover how you can tweak your energy dials and create your own biological gym.


Learn strategies to feed your soul, reach mastery and have fun along the way.

Hear it from our workshoppers

John Hill
Inner Athlete

When I first met you I was a new dad with a broken body and struggled to even nurse my son. Now I feel like a 20 year old and am investing my time to have my body in its peak for the next 40 years.

Anna Calvert
Inner Athlete

Brett introduced me to the growth mindset and the power of actions. He’s a fountain of knowledge and a true inspiration.

Shauna French
Athlete Within

Brett and Lisa make an excellent team providing an environment that is warm and nurturing. The workshop itself is challenging, thought provoking and ultimately rewarding in helping you rediscover your athlete within.

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We’ll email you as soon as the dates and details are finalised.

Want a head start?
Work with Brett now.

Coaching packages

We currently offer three coaching packages.
Work with Brett 1:1 or in a group to gain knowledge,
confidence and inspiration.

Learn More


Check out the workshops we have on offer at the moment.
They’re the perfect way to get you in the mood for our
upcoming retreat.

Learn More