About Us

We are Dr Brett and Lisa Lillie. We are a husband and wife duo who help people in those slippery middle years rediscover their athletic abilities and reconnect with what brings them joy.

Drawing from 20+ years experience as a chiropractor and rehab professional, Dr Brett is the man behind the coaching of all physical and mindset areas. An exceptional communicator, he is driven by a deep desire to help people reach their true potential and he does so with finesse and genuine fun. 

Lisa is pure heart and has the natural ability to empathise with people and foresee their needs. Quick to laugh and embrace with her warmth and sincerity, she encourages everyone with her caring touch and just the right amount of motherly toughness.

In our differences we have found a common purpose: we love nothing more than helping people rediscover their inner athlete and seeing them thrive physically, emotionally and mentally and share in their new found hope for life’s possibilities.

We have witnessed the devastating effects of inactivity when working with our clients: lack of energy, motivation, loss of mojo and increased pain, a combination that can open the doors to serious illnesses. 

The good news is: you are never too old to embrace movement and start your own journey of rediscovery. 

To help awaken all athletes within, we share our knowledge and strategies across many platforms: 

  • We run corporate workshops to teach how to be active in an office environment and improve motivation.
  • Dr Brett is a renowned keynote speaker and presents on stages across Australia to teach the importance of movement as a vital tool to promote longevity. 
  • We coach inner athletes in person and online, helping them embrace life by overcoming physical and emotional barriers.
  • We regularly give webinars to help people get a step closer to rediscovering the joy of being active.
  • We are active on our socials to inspire and educate all future inner athletes.

We have helped thousands of clients moving from pain to freedom, experiencing first hand physical and emotional changes that are nothing less than extraordinary.

If you feel a bit stuck, unmotivated and are ready to get moving and define how you will live the PM of your life, we are here to help and would be honoured to come along the journey with you.

Get to know us better

Our journey, our story

Dr Brett Lillie

Speaker | Author | Coach | Chiro

Dr Brett’s heartfelt desire to help people find answers and solutions where there seem to be none has driven him to never stop learning, never stop chasing.

Lisa Lillie

Manager | Mama | Cook

Ever since Lisa joined the team in 2018, she has been immersing herself in the world of rehab and wellbeing with her trademark enthusiasm and positive outlook.

Our Happy Clients

Brett and Lisa have always been there for us, with a patient and thoughtful approach, not to mention superb treatment.

Nathan Hepple

Inner Athlete

Brett makes you see things in a different way, challenges your thinking and is incredibly curious. A conversation with him is always interesting and rarely goes as you expect.

Lucas Kolenberg

Inner Athlete

Brett has treated me over many years and fundamentally changed how I think about rehabilitation and recovery.

Ben Matthews

Inner Athlete

The Athlete Within Blog

See us in action, join our FREE monthly webinar

On the first Thursday of every month we host a 30 minute webinar to share our top tips, tools and ideas to help you rediscover your inner athlete. We might dive deep on one of the book’s 10 steps or share our latest discoveries. We might set some challenges and even teach you a few simple warm up routines. You’ll definitely learn something new and have some fun along the way.